The Collapse of Zionism

By Ilan Pappé Hamas’s assault of October 7 can be likened to an earthquake that strikes an old building. The cracks were already beginning to show, but they are now…

We condemn the arrest of historian Ilan Pappé in the USA

By International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International 17/05/2024. Ilan Pappé is a renowned Israeli historian, who has always denounced the implantation of Israel on Palestinian land by expelling its original…

For a united international campaign to support the Palestinian people

On 18 May the general strike in the whole historical Palestine “from the river to the sea” mobilised tens of thousands of Palestinians. There were massive demonstrations in all cities…

For the democratic right to defend a Free Palestine and in defence of MP Juan Carlos Giordano of Argentina

By IWU-FI Local organisations and personalities that support the Embassy of the State of Israel are carrying out an anti-democratic campaign against the national deputy of Socialist Left in the…

We repudiate a new zionist attack against the palestinian people in Jerusalem and Gaza

International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International Monday 10 May we witnessed another leap in the aggressions of Israel’s Zionist state against the Palestinian people with the criminal bombing of the Gaza Strip…

Joint RCIT and IWU-CI declaration: Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!!

Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!! Once again, the Israeli government has intensified its campaign of terror against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. In the past…

Stop the massacre of the Palestinian people! We repudiate Trump and the genocidal State of Israel!

The International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International (IWU_FI) released the following statement on the recent massacre by the Israeli army. We express our solidarity with the victims and their families as well…

We repudiate the recent assassination of Palestinians in Gaza

Español Since Friday 30 March, the Israeli military personnel have killed 16 young Palestinians and injured over 1,400, some of them seriously wounded. They used artillery, snipers and even airplanes.…

Palestine: Free Ahed Tamini!!

We call for the Immediate release of Ahed Tamini!! Español The images of 16-year-old Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi, the protagonist of a viral video where she defends herself from Israeli…

Nuevos crímenes del sionismo: Solidaridad con el pueblo palestino!

A continuación publicamos una declaración de la Unidad Internacional de los Trabajadores-Cuarta Internacional (UIT- CI) en repudio a la violencia del régimen colonialista en Palestina y en solidaridad con el…