The Dominican government crushed the Haitian workers’ protest in the Central Sugar Consortium: Enough of super-exploitation and semi-slavery!

By Socialist Workers’ Movement of the Dominican Republic Military and police agents attacked a strike by sugarcane workers of the Central Sugar Consortium (CAC) in Batey 5, on May 26,…

Argentina: The omnibus bill has fallen, a popular triumph!

By Juan Carlos Giordano, National deputy-elect. Socialist Left-Left Front Unity 7 February 2024. Once the news became known, the militants gathered in the Two Congresses Square. They exploded with joy…

We support the struggle for a free and independent Haiti, without gangs or occupying troops

By International Worker’s Unity-Fourth International Violence between armed gangs and the police has worsened in the last week in Port-au-Prince, parallel to the intensification of the efforts of U.S. imperialism…

No to a new foreign military occupation, imperialism out of Haiti!

International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International On October 2, the UN Security Council endorsed the deployment of a military mission against Haiti. The resolution promoted by U.S. imperialism was adopted…

Argentina: The results of the primaries and the day after

By El Socialista, Socialist Left of Argentina and the IWU-FI 16 August 2023. The primaries on 13 August defined the candidates for the presidential elections on 22 October. The far-right-wing…

Dominican Republic: US government endorses President Abinader’s racist violence

By Babyson Pierre, Haitian activist and member of the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International. US Subsecretary of State Wendy Sherman’s April visit to Santo Domingo served to ratify the strategic character…

Dominican Republic: We stand in solidarity with Ana Belique and Michelle Ricardo, we reject the censorship and fascist threats during the International Book Fair of Santo Domingo

International Declaration As a new symptom of the degradation of democratic rights in the Dominican Republic, the International Book Fair of Santo Domingo, which began on April 22, became the…

Dominican Republic: We must raise our voice against government racism and xenophobia!

We publish here an unitary statement by organizations challenging the current right wing offensive of the Dominican government under President Luis Abinader: The Abinader government is stirring up racist and…

The assassination of Jovenel Moïse: a coup with international ramifications

By Babyson Pierre* Everything indicates that the assassination of Haiti’s de facto president, Jovenel Moïse, was a coup by sectors inside the regime, in alliance with organized crime and with…

Why are the Cuban people protesting?

By Miguel Sorans 13 July 2021. Diaz Canel’s government and the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) say “the United States orchestrates and finances these protests”. It is a lie. Of…