28M International Action Day for Women’s Health

By International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International The feminist agenda takes the 28th of May as the International Day for Women’s Health, based on debates held in Colombia in 1984, on May…

In defense of abortion rights, let’s support women and dissidents in the US!

By International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International The US Supreme Court on Friday 24th overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. The court ruling that enabled the right to abortion…

International Correspondence N°47: Women facing the pandemic and the capitalist crisis

This is a special edition of the International Correspondence magazine with a focus on the struggle of women facing the pandemic and the capitalist crisis around the world. The context…

Dominican Republic: A call to unitary mobilization and international solidarity to answer attacks on the womens’ movement!

Socialist Workers Movement (MST) Translated by Socialist Core, original in spanish can be read here Hours after the women’s assembly of April 18, some twelve people suffered poisoning after eating…

25N: For a great international day of struggle against male violence

Español  This #25N marks the 60th anniversary of the atrocious femicide of the Mirabal sisters, Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa who were kidnapped, tortured and killed for rebelling against the…

8M: for a struggle world day against austerity governments and for all our rights

Statement of the International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International (IWU-FI) 8M: for a struggle world day against austerity governments and for all our rights A new world day of struggle…

We repudiate Marielle Franco’s assassination in Brazil!

We state our strongest repudiation of Marielle Franco’s murder, a councillor in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party). Her murder occurred on Wednesday 14, at…

8 March: International Working Women’s Day #Westrike

Español In 1910, Clara Zetkin, one of the main socialist and feminist leaders, proposed 8 March as International Women’s Day at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen;…

September 28th: International Day for the decriminalization and legalization of abortion; Global shout-out for legal abortion

Around the world, 1424 million of women live in countries where access to legal abortion is somehow restricted. In the most poor and unequal regions, such as Africa and Latin…

Women’s International Strike: For an anti-patriarchal and anti-capitalist March 8th

In more than 40 countries, thousands of women and organizations are preparing the world’s first women’s strike for March 8th, the International Women’s Day, which represents a great opportunity to…