28M International Action Day for Women’s Health

By International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International The feminist agenda takes the 28th of May as the International Day for Women’s Health, based on debates held in Colombia in 1984, on May…

We condemn the arrest of historian Ilan Pappé in the USA

By International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International 17/05/2024. Ilan Pappé is a renowned Israeli historian, who has always denounced the implantation of Israel on Palestinian land by expelling its original…

Open letter from Students for Justice in Palestine to Universities

To our universities, We, the Student Movement for Palestinian Liberation, demand institutional accountability and immediate divestment from israel and its genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza. As our Palestinian…

We support the struggle for a free and independent Haiti, without gangs or occupying troops

By International Worker’s Unity-Fourth International Violence between armed gangs and the police has worsened in the last week in Port-au-Prince, parallel to the intensification of the efforts of U.S. imperialism…

Russia: Freedom for Boris Kagarlitsky

By IWU-FI On July 25, renowned intellectual and socialist activist Boris Kagarlitsky was detained and accused of “justifying terrorism” by the Federal Security Service (FSB) before being immediately transported to the…

Portugal: MAS applies for IWU-FI membership

  By IWU-FI Press 24 July 2023. The International Conference of the Socialist Alternative Movement (MAS), held in Lisbon on July 1st, approved the application of MAS to become the…

Comrade Silvia Santos “Pestaña”, ever onward to socialism!

Socialist Left (Argentina) Note by Socialist Core: We join in the commemoration of the legacy of comrade Silvia Santos, who dedicated her best efforts for more than five decades to…

Stop Biden and Harris’ crackdown on migrant caravan at Mexico borde

Image source: Haiti Liberte Statement by the Socialist Workers Movement (Dominican Republic) The Democratic Party has once again taken off its mask and shown its imperialist, human rights-violating and racist…

Solidarity with the Struggle in Iran

Fellow workers: According to reports, Iran is experiencing an absolute outburst of strikes and protests – over 2,000 in the last 12 months. This includes a national strike of over…

For a united international campaign to support the Palestinian people

On 18 May the general strike in the whole historical Palestine “from the river to the sea” mobilised tens of thousands of Palestinians. There were massive demonstrations in all cities…