Portugal: MAS applies for IWU-FI membership


By IWU-FI Press

24 July 2023. The International Conference of the Socialist Alternative Movement (MAS), held in Lisbon on July 1st, approved the application of MAS to become the Portuguese section of the IWU-FI (International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International), “a world revolutionary socialist organisation that is concerned with reconstructing the Fourth International, supporting, in each country, Trotskyist organisations with this internationalist perspective, uniting and strengthening the links between workers across borders, for a more just and egalitarian society,” as stated in its declaration of 7 July 2023.

From the IWU-FI. we salute this step taken by the MAS of Portugal that strengthens the unity of revolutionaries in Europe and the world. When it is more necessary than ever to build a new revolutionary socialist leadership to support the workers and popular struggles that confront the plans of cuts and adjustments of the capitalist governments and multinationals.

MAS is a revolutionary and internationalist party with a long history in Portugal’s working class, women, dissidents and youth struggles. And it has belonged since its foundation to the current of Trotskyism, led by Nahuel Moreno.

Since 2020, there has been a political exchange between the two organisations, international actions and common events. As a result, in October 2021, we set up a Liaison Committee and a protocol with principled political bases.

The process of integration of MAS into the IWU-FI will be developed, under the coordination of the Liaison Committee, in the process of debate and political exchanges towards the 8th World Congress of the IWU-FI to be held in December in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

IWU-FI International Executive Committee (IEC)

22 July 2023