Massive student protests in the US against genocide in Gaza

As popular demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine continue around the world, a fresh wave of large student protests against the genocide in Gaza is spreading across the campuses of major…

We support the struggle for a free and independent Haiti, without gangs or occupying troops

By International Worker’s Unity-Fourth International Violence between armed gangs and the police has worsened in the last week in Port-au-Prince, parallel to the intensification of the efforts of U.S. imperialism…

A worsening of the capitalist crisis and the prospect of the struggle for 2024

December 13, 2023. Miguel Sorans, Socialist Left leader and IWU-FI International Secretariat member, provided a report on the world situation, which we summarize here. In the first place, we start…

Portugal: MAS applies for IWU-FI membership

  By IWU-FI Press 24 July 2023. The International Conference of the Socialist Alternative Movement (MAS), held in Lisbon on July 1st, approved the application of MAS to become the…

By supporting the Ukrainian people, are we standing with NATO?

By Miguel Sorans* Since the beginning of the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine, there has been a debate in the Left Front-Unity (FITU) of Argentina about what should…

May Day: an international day of struggle for the working class

IWU-FI 1 May 1886 is marked in the world’s history labour movement as an emblematic date of the world workers’ struggles against capitalist-imperialist system exploitation. On that day, over 200,000…

Vaccine shortages and capitalist business

By Reynaldo Saccone *  For International Correspondence 46, April 2021, magazine edited by IWU-FI On Tuesday 8 December 2020, British Margaret Keenan, 89 years of age, was the first person in the…

14 April: International No Patents Day. Vaccines for all

International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International On 14 April the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will meet in Geneva to discuss the removal or suspension of patents, which the big pharmaceutical transnationals controlled…

All support for the struggle of the peoples of Myanmar-Burma against the military dictatorship

IWU-FI The coup d’état of 1 February has put an end to the co-rule exercised since 2015 by the National League for Democracy (NLD) headed by Aung San Suu Kyi and the…

The US 2020 Elections: Where Do We Stand?

The following is a statement by Socialist Core on the upcoming 2020 US presidential elections The upcoming presidential elections in the United States will take place at a crucial moment…