Adjustment Cuban Style

Article by Mercedes Petit on Cuba originally published in Spanish in Correspondencia Internacional issue 29. The first part was published in January of this year on this web site. To…

Argentina: Revolutionary left wins a seat in Neuquén

The Worker’s Left Front (PO, PTS and IS) has just won a seat in the legislative elections in Neuquén province with more than 10, 400 votes – close to 4% ,…

“Chávez turned union leaders into statues”

 Interview with Orlando Chirino in El Universal The following is a free translation of an interview originally published in El Universal newspaper and re-posted in (“Chávez convirtió a dirigentes…

Argentinian left unites

By Emmanuel Santos With immense joy we welcomed the creation of the newly formed Left Front (FRENTE de IZQUIERDA y de los TRABAJADORES) in Argentina. In April, three revolutionary organizations…

Cuban CP bureaucracy consolidates itself as an agent of capitalist restoration

By Miguel Angel Hernandez * Cuba and the Sixth Congress of the PCC −The Cuban CP follows the footsteps of the Chinese bureaucracy The Sixth Congress of Cuban Communist Party…

Evo forced to revoke decree that raised fuel prices

We are used to hear that no matter how much you fight, it is always pointless. In this article the Bolivian people demonstrate that in fact, it is the opposite case.-SC   By…

Venezuela: A small big step for the labor movement

 40 trade unions form the National Workers’ Front By CCURA The new labor front has already planned a march for December 11 On November 14, 40 trade unions gathered at a labor assembly convened by…

We condemn the killing of the young worker Mariano Ferreyra in Argentina and demand a trial to punish his murderers

Statement On behalf of the International Workers Unity (UIT-CI) we want to express our condolences and unconditional solidarity with  the  victim’s relatives,  railway workers, and Partido Obrero (Worker’s Party) ,…

Police rebellion In Ecuador

There has been confusion in the media and the left concerning the recent events in Ecuador; whether it was a coup or a police strike. You can read our point…

Fidel confesses he does not believe in socialism

By In a recent interview Fidel Castro said that “Cuba’s model no longer works even for us” As part of its reappearance in the public arena four  years after…