May Day: an international day of struggle for the working class

IWU-FI 1 May 1886 is marked in the world’s history labour movement as an emblematic date of the world workers’ struggles against capitalist-imperialist system exploitation. On that day, over 200,000…

Labor unions must mobilize to fight the far right

By Oakland Socialist Even in their weakened situation, the unions have the power to stop the white supremacists in their tracks. Instead of putting out an occasional statement and occasionally…

Statement on Zionist aggression against Syria

  For the fourth time since the beginning of the revolution, the Zionist aviation violated Syrian airspace. These violations are becoming more aggressive. Regardless of all the excuses stated by…

Chicago teachers make their mark

We are re-posting here an editorial from the Freedom Socialist Party on the recent teachers’ strike in Chicago The corporate “education reform” juggernaut, kept rolling by President Obama and Secretary of…

Venezuelan trade unionists in solidarity with Wisconsin

We publish here a letter that Venezuelan trade unionists sent to the South Central Federation of Labor in Wisconsin to express their solidarity in the fight against goverment cuts and anti-union legislation.…