Stop Xenophobic and Racist Lynchings in the Dominican Republic!

We publish here a statement by the Socialist Workers’ Movement (MST) from the Dominican Republic. The undersigned organizations and personalities are trying to shine a spotlight on the persistence of…

Joint RCIT and IWU-CI declaration: Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!!

Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!! Once again, the Israeli government has intensified its campaign of terror against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. In the past…

We repudiate the recent assassination of Palestinians in Gaza

Español Since Friday 30 March, the Israeli military personnel have killed 16 young Palestinians and injured over 1,400, some of them seriously wounded. They used artillery, snipers and even airplanes.…

Stop racist violence in the USA! Black lives matter!

Statement by the International Workers Unity-Fourth International (IWU_FI) Español The murder of two more black men, Philando Castile (32, teacher, in Minnesota) and Alton Sterling (37 years, CD seller, Louisiana)…

No to the racist and xenophobic ruling by the Dominican government!

We strongly condemn the ruling of the Constitutional Court on 26 September that denationalizes more than 200, 000 Dominicans of Haitian descent. The Dominican government seeks to apply this racist…

Stop Zionist attacks on Gaza!

The following is a rough translation of a statement by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International (UIT-CI).  The Zionists Israeli armed forces launched a new military aggression against Palestinians in the…

The American Civil War

By Mercedes Petit This year marks the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War that abolished slavery in the United States and changed the course of history. We publish here…