We condemn the arrest of historian Ilan Pappé in the USA

By International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International 17/05/2024. Ilan Pappé is a renowned Israeli historian, who has always denounced the implantation of Israel on Palestinian land by expelling its original…

Turkey: Free Can Atalay!

Unitary statement The following statement is to denounce the unlawful prevention of Can Atalay from fulfilling his legislative duties in the National Assembly of Turkey. Despite his election as the…

Dominican Republic: We stand in solidarity with Ana Belique and Michelle Ricardo, we reject the censorship and fascist threats during the International Book Fair of Santo Domingo

International Declaration As a new symptom of the degradation of democratic rights in the Dominican Republic, the International Book Fair of Santo Domingo, which began on April 22, became the…

Colombia: The popular rebellion continues

By Miguel Lamas (IWU-FI) No to the treacherous dialogue! Monday 10 May President Duque summoned the protest leaders of the National Command for the Strike (CNP) to a “dialogue” with…

Maduro steps up his attacks against critical-Chavismo

Originally published in Venezuelan Voices Photo credit: ANTV Following the fraudulent elections of the National Assembly (AN) in December 2020, the de facto government headed by Maduro has stepped up its threats…

Myanmar: People’s revolt against the coup

By Miguel Lamas A general strike started on Monday 8 February and massive mobilisations are shaking Myanmar (formerly Burma). They reject the military coup d’état on Monday 1 February that…

Nicaragua Free all political prisoners now!

Nicaragua is facing an overwhelming social and economic crisis, in which the struggle for the liberation of political prisoners and the denunciation of the continued harassment of activists and their…

Venezuela:Let us build a unitary instrument of the left to fight against Maduro

Debate in the Venezuelan Revolutionary Left : On the Open Letter by Marea Socialista Partido Socialismo y Libertad (PSL– Socialism and Freedom Party) Español After the fraudulent election of the…

Maduro holds on to power with repressive measures

By Simón Rodríguez* Originally published in uit-ci.org Without popular support and with growing divisions within chavismo, Maduro’s government has relied on the military for his violent attacks on the large…

Venezuela: A fraudulent Constituent Assembly amid hunger of the people

By Miguel Sorans* Originally published by La Clase.info Beset by massive protests across the country, and after a savage repression that has taken 40 dead and more than 350 injured,…