Western Sahara War: We support the Sahrawi people in their struggle to end the Moroccan occupation

International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International (IWU-FI) Lire en français Western Sahara ceasefire in force since 1991 blew to smithereens on 13 November, after the Moroccan monarchy launched a military attack against…

No to Trump’s “Agreement of Century” against the palestinian people!

In a joint statement from Washington, the U.S. and Israeli heads of state, Trump and Netanyahu, presented a “peace” proposal called the “Century Agreement”. Netanyahu has announced that he will…

We repudiate the U.S. army’s bombings in Baghdad! 

We publish here a statement by the International Workers Unity-Fourth International (IWU-FI) The assassination of the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, General Qasem Soleimani, and several Iraqi Shiite leaders at…

Lebanon: Popular revolt against the government’s austerity policy The people want the regime to leave!

In Lebanon, since 17 October, the most massive mobilisations in the country’s history against the austerity policies the government set in motion has continued. Starting especially in Beirut and other…

Trump’s Military Fake in Iran

By Simon Rodriguez* Surrounded by the failures in domestic politics and the internal crises of his government, reflected in a very high rotation of high officials, with constant public contradictions…

Free Louisa Hanoune and all political prisoners in Algeria

The Algerian people are still mobilised to demand an end to the dictatorial regime of hunger and poverty and in defence of democratic freedoms, after having achieved the resignation of…

Joint RCIT and IWU-CI declaration: Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!!

Stop the new aggression of Israel in Gaza!!! Once again, the Israeli government has intensified its campaign of terror against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. In the past…

Salameh Kaileh: a prominent Arab revolutionary died

By Miguel Sorans Español We received the sad news that Salameh Kaileh, 63, died in Amann (Jordan), a Marxist revolutionary and a Syrian-Palestinian activist, after fighting a prolonged illness. With…

Stop the massacre of the Palestinian people! We repudiate Trump and the genocidal State of Israel!

The International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International (IWU_FI) released the following statement on the recent massacre by the Israeli army. We express our solidarity with the victims and their families as well…

We repudiate the imperialist shelling on Syria! No to Trump’s killer missiles!

Español Ordered by the ultra-reactionary Donald Trump, the US, UK and France launched a criminal attack with missiles over places near the capital Damascus and Homs, in Syria. They justify…