In support of the global campaign to free abducted Syrian fighters

We join and call to support the global campaign against the kidnapping of Samira al-Khalil (*), Razan Zeitoona, Wael Hammada, and Nazem Hammadi, carried out against al-Assad opposition activists who were unarmed. About the kidnappers all indications intersect with the group of “Jaish Al-Islam” (Islam Army) and their leaders who have effective authority in Douma.

In Syria the struggle begun in 2011 to end the criminal dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad has produced thousands murdered by the regime as well as thousands missing and displaced.

In this process have also emerged reactionary Islamic groups (ISIS and others) acting as fifth columns, backed by Saudi Arabia and other reactionary regimes in the region, distorting the just cause to end with al-Assad. In turn, the US military intervention serves to end the rebellion of the people against the reactionary regimes in the region and preserves its interests and those of Israel.

In this context the IWU–FI does not hesitate to join the campaign and calls to spread in the world demanding freedom for the Syrian activists Samira Al-Khalil, Razan Zeitoona, Wael Hammada, and Nazem Hammadi.

International Workers Unity – Fourth International (IWU–FI)

Izquierda Socialista de Argentina; KRD de Alemania; Alternativa Revolucionaria del Pueblo, Bolivia; Corriente Socialista de los Trabajadores, (CST-PSOL), Brasil, Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores (MST) de Chile, Alternativa Socialista, Colombia, Lucha Internacionalista, Estado Español; Socialist Core, EE,UU; Partido Obrero Socialista (POS-MAS), México; Partido de los Trabajadores y el Pueblo, Panamá, Unios en la Lucha, Perú; Partido de la Democracia Obrera (IDP), Turquía, Partido Socialismo y Libertad (PSL), Venezuela.

7 December 7 2014

(*) Samira al-Khalil is the wife of Syrian activist and writer Yassin al-Haj Saleh. Razan Zeitoona, is founder of the Local Coordination Committees against al-Assad, Hammada is her husband and Hammadi a lawyer and activist.
