Solidaritat internacional amb el dret a l’autodeterminació del poble català

English | Español El poble català es ve manifestant massivament per la seva independència. Al voltant d’un milió de persones es van mobilitzar aquest 11 de setembre en la Diada…

September 28th: International Day for the decriminalization and legalization of abortion; Global shout-out for legal abortion

Around the world, 1424 million of women live in countries where access to legal abortion is somehow restricted. In the most poor and unequal regions, such as Africa and Latin…

The causes of the long conflict between North Korea and the United States

Tension has continued to grow in Eastern Asia. The North Korean government would have detonated an alleged nuclear bomb underground (3 September 2017), Trump’s response was not long in coming.…

Argentina:For the appearance alive of Santiago Maldonado!

The  International Workers’ Unity – Fourth International (IWU-FI) recently issued a call to international action for the appearance of activist Santiago Maldonado. From the United States, we express our solidarity…

In the face of the attack at Las Ramblas, Barcelona

Statement by Lucha Internacionalista (Internationalist Fight, Spanish State) Català|Español From Internationalist Fight we solidarize with the victims of yesterday’s attacks and their families. We reject these kind of actions meant…

Declaració de Lluita Internacionalista davant l’atemptat a les Rambles de Barcelona

Declaració de Lluita Internacionalista Des de Lluita Internacionalista ens solidaritzem amb totes les víctimes de l’atac d’ahir i les seves famílies. Rebutgem aquesta mena d’accions que pretenen escampar el terror…

Ante el atentado en las Ramblas de Barcelona

Declaración de Lucha Internacionalista (UIT-CI) Desde Lucha Internacionalista nos solidarizamos con todas las víctimas del ataque de ayer y sus familias. Rechazamos este tipo de acciones que pretenden sembrar el…

Labor unions must mobilize to fight the far right

By Oakland Socialist Even in their weakened situation, the unions have the power to stop the white supremacists in their tracks. Instead of putting out an occasional statement and occasionally…

Venezuela:Let us build a unitary instrument of the left to fight against Maduro

Debate in the Venezuelan Revolutionary Left : On the Open Letter by Marea Socialista Partido Socialismo y Libertad (PSL– Socialism and Freedom Party) Español After the fraudulent election of the…

Venezuela:Construyamos una herramienta unitaria de izquierda para luchar contra Maduro

Venezuela: Ante la Carta Abierta de Marea Socialista Partido Socialismo y Libertad (PSL) Luego de la fraudulenta elección de la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (ANC), la organización Marea Socialista publicó una…