International Solidarity with the Catalan people’s right to self-determination

Català | Español The Catalan people have been demonstrating massively for their independence. About one million people mobilised this 11 September in the Diada (traditional national holiday of Catalonia) to…

Solidaridad internacional con el derecho a la autodeterminación del pueblo catalán

Català | English El pueblo catalán se viene manifestando masivamente por su independencia. Alrededor de un millón de personas se movilizaron este 11 de septiembre en la Diada (tradicional día…

Solidaritat internacional amb el dret a l’autodeterminació del poble català

English | Español El poble català es ve manifestant massivament per la seva independència. Al voltant d’un milió de persones es van mobilitzar aquest 11 de setembre en la Diada…

September 28th: International Day for the decriminalization and legalization of abortion; Global shout-out for legal abortion

Around the world, 1424 million of women live in countries where access to legal abortion is somehow restricted. In the most poor and unequal regions, such as Africa and Latin…

The causes of the long conflict between North Korea and the United States

Tension has continued to grow in Eastern Asia. The North Korean government would have detonated an alleged nuclear bomb underground (3 September 2017), Trump’s response was not long in coming.…