Unitary mobilization against the extreme right and to fight for our rights in the face of the new Biden administration

Socialist Core (IWU-FI simpathizers) On January 6, a mob of hundreds of right-wing extremists took over the Capitol, interrupting the formal ratification of the presidential election result by the Senate.…

Assault on the Capitol

By Miguel Sorans (Socialist Left Argentina, IWU-FI) The abhorrent storming of the US Capitol by a mob reveals the depth of the political crisis of US imperialism. On the January 6,…

Donald Trump was defeated!

International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International In the IWU-FI we share the celebrations of workers, the anti-racist movement and the majority of the American people, as well as people from other countries.…

The US 2020 Elections: Where Do We Stand?

The following is a statement by Socialist Core on the upcoming 2020 US presidential elections The upcoming presidential elections in the United States will take place at a crucial moment…

Black Lives Matter: Justice for George Floyd!

Statement on the killing of George Floyd by a racist cop Black people in the United States suffer racist violence at an alarming rate at the hands of the police.…

Trump’s Military Fake in Iran

By Simon Rodriguez* Surrounded by the failures in domestic politics and the internal crises of his government, reflected in a very high rotation of high officials, with constant public contradictions…

We repudiate Trump’s decision on Jerusalem Solidarity with the Palestinian people!

Español The decision of right-wing and reactionary Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the racist state of Israel is a new support of the United States for…

US Elections: Two deceiving candidates serving the billionaires

By Emmanuel Santos (Socialist Core) The elections scheduled for November 8th will be held in the midst of an economic crisis and the distrust of the people towards the candidates.…

Stop racist violence in the USA! Black lives matter!

Statement by the International Workers Unity-Fourth International (IWU_FI) Español The murder of two more black men, Philando Castile (32, teacher, in Minnesota) and Alton Sterling (37 years, CD seller, Louisiana)…

US Primaries: What is the Sanders phenomenon?

By Silvia Santos * Español |Português As in the rest of the world, new winds are blowing in the political arena of the United States. Faced with a social crisis that…