By supporting the Ukrainian people, are we standing with NATO?

By Miguel Sorans* Since the beginning of the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine, there has been a debate in the Left Front-Unity (FITU) of Argentina about what should…

Ukraine: Appeal for an international campaign

We are calling for organizing a big international campaign of support and solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance for the defeat of the Russian army invasion! No to NATO!   The government…

Siria: Assad y sus aliados están preparando el acto final sangriento en Idlib

Por el Partido de la Democracia Obrera (IDP), sección de la UIT-CI en Turquía Después de capturar las regiones rurales de Damasco y Daraa en el sur, la dictadura de…

We repudiate the imperialist bombing in Syria No to the Assad-Putin genocide!

Español About 50 US cruise missiles were launched on military installations of the Syrian regime of al-Assad by order of Donald Trump. They argue that it was in retaliation for…

Heroic Aleppo falls into the hands of genocidal al-Assad

But the struggle in Syria does not end By Miguel Lamas Español After years of heroic resistance, enduring the criminal bombings of the genocidal al-Assad and Putin, the glorious Aleppo…

No to imperialist intervention in Syria!

It was announced that the United States would be ready for an attack on Syria which could be imminent. To do this they have several warships and submarines in the…

¡Repudiemos la intervención imperialista en Siria

Comité de Coordinación UITCI /CEI Se anuncia que los Estados Unidos estaría listo para un ataque sobre Siria, que podría ser inminente. Para ello cuentan con varios barcos de guerra…