Debate in the Argentinian Left: Does repudiating Maduro favour imperialism?

In response to New MAS and LTS /PTS By Miguel Sorans, IS (Socialist Left) and IWU-FI leader. There are sectors of the left, including comrades who sympathise with Chavismo although…

Oust Maduro with the autonomous mobilisation of the workers!

Oust Maduro with the autonomous mobilisation of the workers! Neither Trump nor the military. Neither Guaido not the bosses parties of the National Assembly. No to the imperialist interference of…

Maduro holds on to power with repressive measures

By Simón Rodríguez* Originally published in Without popular support and with growing divisions within chavismo, Maduro’s government has relied on the military for his violent attacks on the large…

We repudiate the death penalty to political leaders in Egypt! Down with the civilian-military dictatorship!

  We publish here a statement on Egypt by the International Workers Unity -Fourth International (IWU-FI)-SC Former Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi was sentenced to death on a provisional basis on 16…