By supporting the Ukrainian people, are we standing with NATO?

By Miguel Sorans* Since the beginning of the Russian invasion and the war in Ukraine, there has been a debate in the Left Front-Unity (FITU) of Argentina about what should…

Unitary mobilization against the extreme right and to fight for our rights in the face of the new Biden administration

Socialist Core (IWU-FI simpathizers) On January 6, a mob of hundreds of right-wing extremists took over the Capitol, interrupting the formal ratification of the presidential election result by the Senate.…

International Correspondence, August-November 2019 issue

The August-November 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. The latest issue looks at Trump’s trade war with China…

International Correspondence, March-June 2019 issue

The March-June 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. Featuring in-depth analysis on the crisis in Venezuela, this issue…

Debate in the Argentinian Left: Does repudiating Maduro favour imperialism?

In response to New MAS and LTS /PTS By Miguel Sorans, IS (Socialist Left) and IWU-FI leader. There are sectors of the left, including comrades who sympathise with Chavismo although…

INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE magazine·September 2018 issue

This is a special issue dedicated to the Fourth International. The magazine looks at the origins and trajectories of the international revolutionary organization founded by Leon Trotsky  and its meaning…

Yassin al-Haj Saleh: “The International left is suffering a major crisis”

Interview with Yassin al-Haj Saleh, Syrian writer and activist. Bashar al-Assad’s political prisoner for 16 years between 1980 and 1996. He has been living in Istanbul this last year. Interview…

In response to Emeterio Gómez

The following is the response from Orlando Chirino to a letter published in El Universal of Caracas By Orlando Chirino Emeterio, you ask me in an open letter published In…

En respuesta a Emeterio Gómez

A continuación publicamos la respuesta de Orlando Chirino a una carta enviada por Emeterio Gómez al diario El Universal de Caracas. Por Orlando Chirino Emeterio, a partir de declaraciones que…

Against sectarianism

Explanatory note: In 1938 Leon Trotsky drafted the Transitional Program as part of the debates that took place during the founding of the Fourth International. Today there are many organizations whose goal is…