Patents are destroying the global vaccination campaign

IWU-FI Press statement | 30 January 2021 As the COVID-19 epidemic continues unabated, the crisis in vaccination plans erupts around the world. The nefarious role of the multinationals of the…

The US 2020 Elections: Where Do We Stand?

The following is a statement by Socialist Core on the upcoming 2020 US presidential elections The upcoming presidential elections in the United States will take place at a crucial moment…

International appeal: Let’s fight for a global workers’ and peoples’ emergency plan

Let the capitalists pay for the coronavirus crisis! The Covid pandemic19 is being used by imperialism, capitalist governments and big business to unload the crisis on the working class and…

Llamamiento: Luchemos por un plan global de emergencia obrero y popular

¡Que la crisis del coronavirus la paguen los capitalistas! La pandemia del Covid19 está siendo utilizada por el imperialismo, los gobiernos capitalistas y los grandes empresarios para buscar descargar la…

What kind of world are we heading to after the Coronavirus?

The severity of the coronavirus crisis and its consequences has opened a debate about what the world will look like after the pandemic. Dozens of articles are being written. Some…

¿A qué mundo iríamos después del coronavirus?

La gravedad de la crisis del coronavirus y sus consecuencias ha abierto un debate sobre cómo será el mundo luego de la pandemia. Se escriben decenas de artículos. Algunos apuestan…

Let the capitalists pay for the coronavirus crisis, not the working class and the people!

IThe world is suffering a calamity. The coronavirus pandemic is spreading out of control. There are hundreds of thousands infected and thousands of dead. What is happening in the world…

The global crisis of the capitalist economy and the coronavirus

By Miguel Sorans On Monday, 9 March, the world’s stock markets collapsed. A new “Black Monday” for the world capitalist economy. Wall Street stopped trading for 15 minutes. The price…

¡Que la crisis del coronavirus la paguen los capitalistas! ¡No la clase trabajadora y los pueblos!

El mundo está sufriendo una calamidad. Se expande la pandemia del coronavirus sin control. Hay centenares de miles de infectados y miles de muertos. Lo que está ocurriendo en el…