Why did the No win in Colombia?

By Miguel Sorans Español The result of the plebiscite in Colombia has caused a global impact. The adjusted victory of the No to the peace agreement of the Santos government…

Saturday October 1st worldwide Day of Fury in Aleppo

Español The people of Aleppo, which resists the genocide Al Assad, is systematically bombed by Syrian and Russian planes, with the passive complicity of the US.  Aleppo is the Guernica…

The Siege of Aleppo and Syria: Al Assad and Putin, stop the bombing!

The photograph of the boy named Omran, with his face covered in blood and dust after being injured in a bombing in the city of Aleppo, traveled around the world.…

Turkey: No to Military Coup! Time to protect our freedom. No to the coup and the repressive Erdogan regime!

We publish here a statement by the Workers’ Democracy Party,  section of the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International in Turkey. Español|Türk We have witnessed a military coup attempt that had started…

Askeri darbeye hayır! Özgürlüklerimizi hem darbeye hem de Saray rejiminin baskılarına karşı savunalım!

Dün akÅŸam saatlerinden itibaren görünürlük kazanmaya baÅŸlayan bir askeri darbe giriÅŸimine tanıklık etmekteyiz. Askeri cuntanın Genel Kurmay Karargahı, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı gibi bazı stratejik yerleri ele geçirmesinin ardından, tüm Türkiye’nin…

Turquía: ¡Es momento de defender nuestra libertad del golpismo y del régimen represivo de Erdogan!

Declaración del Partido de la Democracia Obrera (IDP) de Turquía, sección de la UIT-CI, de repudio al golpe militar! Hemos sido testigos de un intento de golpe militar que ha…

Stop racist violence in the USA! Black lives matter!

Statement by the International Workers Unity-Fourth International (IWU_FI) Español The murder of two more black men, Philando Castile (32, teacher, in Minnesota) and Alton Sterling (37 years, CD seller, Louisiana)…

¡Alto a la violencia racista en Estados Unidos! “Las vidas de los negros importan

Declaración de la Unidad Internacional de los Trabajadores (UIT-CI) English El asesinato de otros dos hombres negros, Philando Castile (32 años,docente, en Minnesota) y Alton Sterling (37 años, vendedor de…

Historical Crisis in the European Union: The British People have voted for Brexit

We publish here a statement on the Brexit vote by  Lucha Internacionalista (International Struggle) from Spain.-SC Español |  Statement in French by Groupe Socialiste Internationaliste (France) Cameron announced his resignation,…

Crisis histórica en la Unión Europea… y el pueblo dijo BREXIT

El recurso a la amenaza no funcionó y el pueblo dijo Brexit. Cameron, que hace pocos meses ganaba las elecciones por mayoría absoluta, anuncia su dimisión. El miedo cambió de…