International Correspondence, August-November 2019 issue

The August-November 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. The latest issue looks at Trump’s trade war with China…

What does Trump get out of his conflict with China?

The so-called “trade war” unleashed by Trump against China opens a whole series of questions and debates. What is the real magnitude of this conflict? Is it essentially a “war”…

International Correspondence, March-June 2019 issue

The March-June 2019 issue of International Correspondence magazine, published by the International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International, is already out in English. Featuring in-depth analysis on the crisis in Venezuela, this issue…

¡No a la amenaza de despido contra José Bodas!

Por la Corriente, Clasista, Unitaria, Revolucionaria y Autónoma de Venezuela Por redes sociales y otras vías, ha comenzado a circular el rumor de un eventual despido de José Bodas de…

Stop Xenophobic and Racist Lynchings in the Dominican Republic!

We publish here a statement by the Socialist Workers’ Movement (MST) from the Dominican Republic. The undersigned organizations and personalities are trying to shine a spotlight on the persistence of…

República Dominicana ¡Alto a los linchamientos xenófobos y racistas!

Las organizaciones y personalidades abajo firmantes alertamos acerca de la persistencia de los crímenes de odio racista en República Dominicana. Queremos expresar nuestra preocupación y rechazo a los discursos de…