Statement on the French revolt by the International Workers Union-Fourth International (IWU-FI): “Paris burns” has been the headline of different journalistic media, reflecting the consequences of the popular demonstration of…
Year: 2018
USA elections: a political blow to Trump’s government
The mid-term elections in the US represented a political blow to the reactionary Trump. government.The Republicans lost the majority in the House, where the Democrats channelled the anger against Trump.…
Elecciones en EEUU: un golpe polÃtico al gobierno de Trump
Por Mercedes Beauvoir (de Izquierda Socialista/UIT-CI) Las elecciones de medio término en los Estados Unidos marcaron un golpe polÃtico al gobierno reaccionario de Trump. Los republicanos perdieron la mayorÃa en la cámara de representantes, dónde los…
Salameh Kaileh: a prominent Arab revolutionary died
By Miguel Sorans Español We received the sad news that Salameh Kaileh, 63, died in Amann (Jordan), a Marxist revolutionary and a Syrian-Palestinian activist, after fighting a prolonged illness. With…
Book: Why did Chavismo fail? A balance sheet from the left opposition
Why did Chavismo fail? A balance sheet from the left opposition is a new book written by Simón RodrÃguez and Miguel Sorans, our comrades from the International Workers’ Union-Fourth International…
HaitÃ: ¡El levantamiento popular derrotó el gasolinazo del FMI! ¡Abajo el gobierno tÃtere de Jovenel!
Declaración de la Unidad Internacional de los Trabajadores-Cuarta Internacional (UIT-CI) acerca del levantamiento popular en HaitÃ. Un aumento del 38% en el precio de la gasolina, 47% en el gasoil…
USA–North Korea: What happened in the summit Trump–Kim Jong-un?
By Miguel Sorans Finally, an event that seemed unthinkable a while ago materialized. The images of Trump and Kim Jong-un at their summit in Singapore already have gone to the…
Stop the massacre of the Palestinian people! We repudiate Trump and the genocidal State of Israel!
The International Workers’ Unity-Fourth International (IWU_FI) released the following statement on the recent massacre by the Israeli army. We express our solidarity with the victims and their families as well…