We repudiate the imperialist bombing in Syria No to the Assad-Putin genocide!

Español About 50 US cruise missiles were launched on military installations of the Syrian regime of al-Assad by order of Donald Trump. They argue that it was in retaliation for…

Statement on Syria by the Campaign for Peace and Democracy

We are re-posting a statement by the Campaign for Peace and Democracy organization. We consider this statement to be progressive, especially if we take into account that part of the…

Repudiamos bombardeo imperialista en Siria!

No al genocido de Assad-Putin! Unos 50 misiles de crucero de EE.UU. se habrían lanzado sobre instalaciones militares del régimen sirio de Al Assad, por orden de Donald Trump.  Argumentarían…

We repudiate new criminal chemical attack by Bashar al-Assad in Syria

There has been a new criminal and genocidal action of dictator Bashar with the support of the Russian air force of Putin. A bombing with a chemical gas has killed…